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MintSoft Ideas Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Jul 12, 2023

Assign a Norsk "Extracode" to toggle DDP/DDU

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Current Problem

Currently there is no way to adjust whether a order is going via DDP or DDU via Norsk within Mintsoft and would instead default depending on the service code.

ExtraCodes 3-10 when setting up couriers seem to blank so could be used as toggle for DDP or DDU.

Guide of current codes can be seen here -

Idea to resolve Problem Map Extracode3 to turn on and off DDP for Norsk
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  • Admin
    Jordan Rowe
    Mar 19, 2024

    Hi, Thank you for your suggestion. Being able to toggle DDU/DDP is now configurable by extra code 3, this will currently default to DDU.

  • Guest
    Aug 14, 2023

    How do you find Norsk as a service? Do they manage the whole DDP & DDU piece well for you? We're currently looking into options for International shipping so any feedback would be greatly appreciated.