Current Problem
Inventory items linked to rework costs currently need to be in ‘unassigned’ stock location. I need to reduce the inventory level of a client's packaging via a rework cost with a linked inventory item, but the client's storage is billed by location so, if I move their packaging to 'unassigned' location, the system won't bill them for the pallet space. I have been told that I would need to switch the client's whole storage model to volumetric to make this work, which would be a lot of time and effort. Alternatively, I need to unlink the inventory item from the rework cost and then manually reduce the inventory item every time the rework is performed, which is time consuming. The other option is to move the inventory item to 'unassigned' and manually invoice for an extra pallet every storage period, but that is not practical to remember every week. |
Idea to resolve Problem | Simply update the system so that inventory items linked to rework costs can be in any warehouse stock location. |
I created this very suggestion earlier today, as it did not flag as a duplicate (however it obviously was). Solving this issue is the only way to keep the automation of storage billing accurate.
We are very keen to see this resolved as we have packaging items that need to belong in picking locations so that we can bill them for storage and so the team knows where to find the item if it appears on an order.
Yes we are keen to see this resolved, we have not enabled 'unassigned' location because of the operational challenges it can cause. If we could have the ability to have the packaging in other locations other than unassigned that would be a game changer.
We have exactly the same issue!!
Hi, thank you for your suggestion, this idea requires more votes before we consider it for planning.
It's very frustrating that rework items need to be in an unassigned location. Packaging is often in actual locations that need to be charged to the client as you say. Plus I've had to allow the warehouse to allow unassigned locations now which opens up risk elsewhere to normal stock being accidently booked into an unassigned location.