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Created on Feb 28, 2024

Add the ability to accept ZPL files through the Mintsoft Shipper API

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Current Problem

The current problem is that we need to send ZPL files to Mintsoft through the Shipper API because that how we recieve labels from our channels as well as our TMS solution. The problem with not accepting ZPL is that our TMS solution sends us a PDF file that has there packing list as well as the label which means that when we create a batch in Mintsoft we are printing an extra packing list for every label we generate. This causes a huge waste of paper. time, resources and causes size complication issues with certain label printers. There are also some carriers in the USA like UPS that mainly send labels as ZPL's and converting those labels to PDF's take time which makes creating a batch take longer.

Simply adding the ability to accept ZPL will help remedy a lot of these issues and give users more flexibility.

I know that the system lets you print all the labels in a batch as one PDF file. Maybe we could add the ability to print all the labels as one ZPL file or convert any ZPL files to PDF files when you want to get all the labels in a batch as one PDF. These would be nice quality of like improvements that will help streamline some processes and again it will add some flexibility as well as save paper, time and resources.

Idea to resolve Problem Add the ability to accept ZPL in Shipper API not just PDF files
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