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Status Is a defect
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 9, 2024

Cost Price Courier Report Bug

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Current Problem

In the cost price courier report the cost price is excluding fuel but the sale price includes fuel.... this must be a bug and surely not on purpose? Why would just one of them include the fuel?

Now have to run a query to remove the fuel surcharge on just the sale column.

Idea to resolve Problem Change the 'Sale price' column to not include the fuel surcharge of the carrier.
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  • Admin
    Ian Hart
    Mar 13, 2024

    Hi, This is actually a defect and is something that should be raised with our support team.

    How this is meant to work is that the;

    Cost price = Cost price + Fuel Surcharge amount/Percentage

    Sales Price = Sales Price + Fuel Surcharge amount/Percentage