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MintSoft Ideas Portal
Status New
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 4, 2025

Returns - If Return Action is "Refund" then to not allow an Exchange to be created

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Current Problem

Before a return is received into the warehouse an RMA is created where information about the return is inputted into Mintsoft.

One point it the return action, this can either be refund, resend or none.

If a return doesn't have resend as the option then you shouldn't be able to create an exchange through the return as this opens up the next steps to human errors.

If the return action has been put in incorrectly the returned item can be removed and added again to allow an exchange to be made, whereas if an exchange is sent this costs money and doesn't look good on the client.

Idea to resolve Problem Not allow exchanges to be created is a refund has been requested
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