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MintSoft Ideas Portal
Status Not under consideration
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Created by Guest
Created on Feb 28, 2022

Specify which SKU's do not send Fulfilment Type or Stock to Amazon / Amazon FBA

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Current Problem

Mintsoft sends stock updates to Amazon for SKUs that are active on the system. It also sends 'Fulfilment Type' to Amazon - being 'FBA' or 'MFN'. This is causing our FBA Inventory to become stranded at Amazon as Mintsoft is forcing the listing to become an MFN listing for listings that are in fact FBA listings. We added ALT SKUs to products in order to separate MFN and FBA inventory while managing a single stock record. Both the primary SKU and Alt SKU are being stranded as they are being sent with fulfilment type MFN to Amazon.

Idea to resolve Problem Allow us to mark SKUs as FBA or MFN SKUs to send the correct fulfilment type to Amazon OR allow us to mark SKUs that must not send stock and fulfilment type information to Amazon.
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