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MintSoft Ideas Portal
Status Under review
Categories Order Management
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 18, 2023

Ability to switch alocated stock based on bbe date for an order

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Current Problem

We have some clients that sell retail and wholesale and they need to be able to have stock with a bbe date with a certain length of time on them assigned to wholesale orders.

As stock with BBE dates is assigned with oldest first this causes some problems when you have orders synced in from websites.

It would be good if we had the option to be able to swap allocated stock for the same product based on the BBE date when we edit an order. At the moment we are having to re enter orders manually to work around this as it is the only way to allocate specific stock.

Our client won't let us keep two product one with a long date and one witha short date for retail.

Idea to resolve Problem Have the ability to swap allocated stock when editing an order.
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  • Admin
    Ian Hart
    Feb 15, 2024

    Thank you for your consideration, this is something that we will look at as part of our allocation rework.