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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 1, 2023

Re-work per client with different charge

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Current Problem

Cannot add the same re-work code even if you select different clients. Meaning if boxes are barcoded or a generic 'pallet' rework code is used it cannot be charged at a different rate to clients.

Clients push 3PLs on packaging as they can get it cheaper so some clients have items at cheaper rates. Currently you have to have a prefix in front of the re-work barcode so you know it will apply the correct charge. Hard when the boxes already have a printed barcode on like 'box1'

Idea to resolve Problem Allow reworks to be client specific
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  • Guest
    Aug 7, 2023

    We've found we can do this by adding the rework for the different client with a different barcode (eg BOX1@) and linked product (use one of clients own) initially, then you go back in and edit the barcode (remove the @) and product (change to the rework product (box1?) to match what you want, really slow way to do things but it gets the job done.

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