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Categories Shipping Managment
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 15, 2024

Dispatch Individual Line Items

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Current Problem

Currently on Big Commerce when an order is dispatched via Mintsoft, it shows as zero items dispatched (see screenshot) which results in the dispatch notice stating all items have shipped.

Whilst not a big problem when an order is shipped in one go, when we have partial dispatches or if parts of an order are to be shipped from an alternate location is when we run into problems as the customer believes the complete order has shipped.

I am unsure if this is the same on other platforms, however my understanding is that Mint is not set up to dispatch individual line items and so I suspect it will not only be Big Commerce users experiencing this issue.

Idea to resolve Problem Set up Mint to dispatch individual line items to all platforms.
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  • Guest
    Jan 16, 2024

    We would split the order and ship what we have and leave the remainder on an order sitting at ONBACKORDER status.....

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