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Created by Guest
Created on Feb 8, 2024

PerCartonUnit invoicing option

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Current Problem

When we program in our warehouse, we make payments based on the number of cartons, but VolumetricCarton programming is done in your system. Can we request that calculations according to PerCartonUnit be added to the storage calculation methods in the system? Our customers offer deals on Carton numbers

Idea to resolve Problem Need PerCartonUnit invoicing option
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  • Admin
    Jordan Rowe
    Apr 3, 2024

    I'm happy to inform you that carton & pallet storage charging is now available on the Carton & Pallet module. Please refer to release notes version 2024.1.8 on how this works.

  • Admin
    Ian Hart
    Feb 20, 2024

    Hi, thank you for your suggestion. This is something that we have looked into with improvements to the carton & pallet module.