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MintSoft Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 6, 2024

Picking 1 order into 2 different totes

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Current Problem

We have large orders that can not fit into one tote so we have to pick the order into 2 or more totes. Not having this function is a major issue when picking

Idea to resolve Problem Ability to scan another tote when you are picking the order
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  • Guest
    Aug 14, 2024

    Use multiordermultitote - we had this developed and basically you pick 100 orders into 8 totes and at despatch the system tells the packer which tote the other items are in.

  • Guest
    Aug 13, 2024

    Unfortunately not. that still only allow you to pick 1 order into 1 tote.

  • Guest
    Aug 12, 2024

    Is this not 'Multi-Tote' on picking type?

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