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MintSoft Ideas Portal
Status Not under consideration
Categories Order Management
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 28, 2022

Grey out the dispatch date on the order details page

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Current Problem

Orders can be placed on pack and hold to set a particular date for dispatch.

If this date changes you have to release the order from pack and hold and then place it again on pack and hold with the new date.

Easy enough, however on the order details page allows you to edit the required delivery date and the required despatch date which don't actually affect when the order is released from pack and hold.

As I'm aware these don't do anything, so to either remove then completely or allow them to be greyed out, preventing any confusion for clients.

Idea to resolve Problem Grey out the required delivery date and required despatch date so these can't be manually changed on the order.
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Jan 31, 2022

    Or give the fields on the order details page the ability to actually place the order on "pack and hold" until the entered despatch date?