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MintSoft Ideas Portal
Status Not under consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 3, 2022

Location Suggestion rules for booking stock in

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Current Problem

It would be good to be able to create suggestion rules for stock placement. The ability to recommend locations for incoming stock on ASNs.

This could be done by allowing logic rules to be created on a client by client basis by warehouse staff. For example

Rule 1 - existing stock locations

Rule 2 - Empty locations in same Zone, Isle, Bay or location type based on stock pickable or in non pickable

Rule 3 - Specific overflow location

Rule 4 - Overflow warehouse with similar rules

I know we have default stock location but this is just too limited and only allows for one location. We may want to duplicate rules for different zones with priorities.

Idea to resolve Problem Stock Location recommendation rules for booking stock in.
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