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Categories Order Management
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 29, 2024

Add 'Order Date' to Batch Creation

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Current Problem

When customers have a sale / spike, it would be good to be able to be able to have a filter that can select the 'Order Date'. Currently only a 'Despatch Date' which does not help.

When creating batches with different filters such as Multi Line / Single Line only or certain items, without being able to select the date that is in FIFO it ends up cherry picking newer orders.

Idea to resolve Problem Add the 'Order Date' as a filter field in Batch Creation
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  • Guest
    Sep 30, 2024

    Agreed :)

    I've also created this one (please feel free to vote for it!)

    We should also have the ability to batch by 'AtNewDate' (just needs a simple slider adding).

    Scenario: we have a bunch of orders @ ONBACKORDER that are weeks old but also orders at NEW from yesterday that we need to despatch. If we book the stock in for the back orders, these jump to the front of the queue. Why should these take precedence?