Mandatory fields for customers phone number and email address when adding an order.
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Mandatory fields for customers phone number, email address and courier service when adding an order. Not allowing the client to complete an order without these fields.
I have tried to set up a default courier email and phone number as a rule, however, I have found that for some courier integrations like Amazon and Evri, the field must be with the correct phone number and email, as the couriers usually contact the clients in order to get delivery instructions if it needs it during the delivery.
However these fields should be mandatory for any integration in general, this will avoid extra steps and errors to pop out constantly on the screen.
I have tried to set up a default courier email and phone number as a rule, however, I have found that for some courier integrations like Amazon and Evri, the field must be with the correct phone number and email, as the couriers usually contact the clients in order to get delivery instructions if it needs it during the delivery.
However these fields should be mandatory for any integration in general, this will avoid extra steps and errors to pop out constantly on the screen.
You can create order rules to put in 000000000 for both fields if it happens to be blank, that's what we do to ensure courier integration works