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MintSoft Ideas Portal
Status Is a defect
Categories Order Management
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 2, 2024

Improve error messages to include pertinent information

No description provided
Current Problem

Recently had the error below:

Amazon Connection Deactivated. AccountID = 90. Account Error! Please correct permissions and reactivate the connection. API Response: {"error_index":"HeBCm5CcC5HyYOkZrNTjOwAAAAAAAAABhfiFi3vFV8Ccg4FM_22_77v1Jg8b6yOkn0fnxYOpwW_pkMxoc-IR85gC4imdHA0g6j7k708CEdRw08kueQV8EgJdf_WbLJHO4zcmxK8sCdDnJxM6qGeACBf21acbAuiyrS6XQwe0kstezDjZ36GLq4QzfcFIKcZ9VKMsmRJ59tUQEEc-otcdalymux0zzk9ia4quXfbXrd-8N-e_73Nll2-WT9Ts9sHxD9qlNQ==","error_description":"The request has an invalid grant parameter : refresh_token. User may have revoked or didn't grant the permission.","error":"invalid_grant","request_id":"2f1d34e2-5887-4893-a12c-3d0540efe61a"}

Now, the particular client has multiple Amazon connectors - so which was was it? 'AccountID = 90' means nothing unless you have access to the AmazonSPAPIAccounts table so can we have an identifier such as 'OrderPrefix' in place of a value which is of no use to the average Joe.

Additionally, had a issue where there was an issue with Mintsoft talking to Shopify for whatever reason and the error stated the location was no longer available. What it failed to mention was that as part of this, the stock sync was stopped so our stock was not being replicated to the clients shop.

Not great.

I've raised this with the support team but 'the system is working as designed' so I've ben told to raise it as a wish..... Well here it is!

Please can all notifications / error messages be reviewed to ensure they provide all the information we as admins require to ensure our clients business is not adversely affected.

Idea to resolve Problem Improve error messages to include pertinent information
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Jul 8, 2024

    FYI this is the comment I received on my support ticket:

    I understand at what are you referring to make it easier to view, but at the moment it works as designed and it need to be logged as a wish on our portal

  • Guest
    Jul 8, 2024

    I raised this as a bug with the support team but was told to raise it as a wish. Please can we have some consistency in how we are asked to deal with things like this....... What do I do now? Raise another support ticket?

    1 reply
  • Admin
    Jordan Rowe
    Jul 5, 2024

    Hi, thank you for raising this. We have previously treated error messages that are unreadable as bugs in our system. Please feel free to raise this as a bug which we will be able to look at improving the message returned should there be an issue in the future.
