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MintSoft Ideas Portal
Status Not under consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 28, 2022

Stock Value Report with detailed pricing (average cost price based on FIFO)

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Current Problem

When running a stock value report on mintsoft the pricing is based of a fixed attribute and not the delivered PO price, for example:

we deal with multiple products, suppliers and raw material price increases throughout the year, we cannot guarantee our full stock cost stays the same on all batches received.

i need the ability to see a FIFO stock Value based on average cost...

SKU1 x 100 @ £1.00 = £100

SKU1 x 100 @ £1.20 = £120

total stock = 200 @ total cost of £220 and average cost of £1.10

attached is a screenshot with detailed and accurate stock value i use - mintsoft is not accurate.

Idea to resolve Problem enable a detailed report to show pricing on delivered stock
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