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MintSoft Ideas Portal
Status Completed
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 27, 2022

Enable Picking from Alternative Locations on All Pick Types

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Current Problem

Currently, the "picking from alternative locations" feature in Mintsoft is only available for standard tote picks. This can be problematic when managing bulk picks, as it limits the usefulness of the feature and can lead to inefficiencies in the picking process.

Idea to resolve Problem We propose enabling the "picking from alternative locations" feature on all pick types in Mintsoft. This feature would allow for greater flexibility in the picking process and improve overall efficiency in managing bulk picks.
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  • Admin
    camelia iancu
    Aug 26, 2024

    This feature will be covered in the new mobile app

  • Guest
    Apr 4, 2024

    Issue here is that when you go to this location and don't have 'scan location at pick' turned on, the stock from the second location is not decremented so you physically have less stock in the location that you do systematically. This killed us a few peaks back so have never used it since!

  • Guest
    Oct 11, 2022

    Would be wildly useful and efficient. We would need it mainly on MultiTote (but clearly there is a market for it across all Pick Types).

  • Guest
    Sep 27, 2022

    Flagged this when it was introduced as its worthless on standard - 100% it needs to be on the others, primarily bulkpaperless!