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MintSoft Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Order Management
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 19, 2023

Order rules should run on back orders

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Current Problem

We have problems where order rules are not applied to back orders but we would like them to be. We have certain rules that change order channels as they require handling differently with different deadlines. As order rules don't run until and order is out of back order this causes us major problems. Can they be set to run when the order is imported not when it goes into new or have a toggle to control this.

Idea to resolve Problem Run order rules when an order imports not when it goes to new.
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  • Admin
    Jordan Rowe
    May 16, 2024

    Moving to Future Consideration to be considered for roadmap planning.

  • Admin
    Ian Hart
    Jan 30, 2024

    @Guest Of course, will place the idea under review again.

  • Guest
    Jan 30, 2024
    @Ian Hart - No, the bug that existed is that orders was that when orders switched from backorder to new the order rules weren't running. This is different from the wish. The wish is that when an order is created, the order rules should run. Can you reopen this wish please.
  • Admin
    Ian Hart
    Jan 30, 2024


    Thank you for your idea, this has recently been identified as a bug in the system. Now when an order in BACKORDER status is automatically reprocessed into NEW, any order rules will now be ran. If you're unable to see this please reach out to our support team who will be able to help you.