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MintSoft Ideas Portal
Status Not under consideration
Categories Other
Created by Guest
Created on May 31, 2023

Revert Mintsoft Warehouse user account creation away from Workspace and back into Mintsoft itself

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Current Problem

The process of creating Warehouse users through workspace is convoluted and we can no longer specify standardized permission sets as we could previously.

We want back the ability to set up Warehouse users through Mintsoft.

Idea to resolve Problem We want back the ability to set up Warehouse users through Mintsoft.
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  • Admin
    Ian Hart
    Jan 12, 2024

    Hi, Thank you for the suggestion. We understand that implementation of Workspace user management has room for improvement. Since launch we have added a simple username login, if you need this setting up please contact support.

    In order to maintain security standards and a unified experience users of multiple Access products user management will be remaining in Workspace.

  • Guest
    Jun 1, 2023

    Already raised in MST-I-831 and I think another ticket

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