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MintSoft Ideas Portal
Status Not under consideration
Categories Order Management
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 13, 2021

Client accounts cannot create exchanges from Returns / Overview

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Current Problem

Currently if I (or any admin account) go to Returns / Overiview and select Details / Create New Exchange then it works exactly as I would expect do but if a client tries it (I've already checked (twice!) that Client-Returns is ticked on both their accounts) we get an error message. Support are telling me this is by design but surely having the ability for a client to create an exchange from this screen would be hugely advantageous as it would cut down on administration and empower the clients further. Currently they have to view the return here and then go to orders and create a copy order so if this option was enabled, they'd be able to manage the returns / exchanges from one screen, saving time and effort.

Idea to resolve Problem Allow clients to create exchange orders from Returns / Overview!
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Feb 11, 2022

    We have a client that deals with Shoes so we get a lot of returns that require exchanges and this can become quite tiresome for the client to keep creating copy orders and editing them

  • Guest
    Oct 22, 2021

    We've requested this a few months ago and I believe it was tagged to a development issue as it is the idea that OMS can allow clients to create exchanges (Client-Returns is meant to have a seconday Client-Exchanges perm). Hopefully this will be added soon!