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MintSoft Ideas Portal
Status Already exists
Categories Shipping Managment
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 18, 2021

The ability to set a single parcel weight maximum on the courier service so it can calculate the number of parcels on an order

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Current Problem

It would be nice to be able to set a single parcel weight limit on each courier service and have this used to calculate parcel quantities on an order where the courier service is used. An offshore option may also help where the limits are different.

The only way to change the parcel quantity at the moment is "Units Per Parcel" and "Additional parcels required when despatching" on products but this doesn't work when you have different product on an order that might fit in one package and be within the weight limit.

Idea to resolve Problem Just found Courier Parcel Quantities please delete this idea.
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  • Admin
    Ian Hart
    Feb 15, 2024

    Setting this idea to Already exists, with the above comment as the solution.

  • Guest
    Sep 15, 2022

    You can set parcel qty rules based on weight here