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MintSoft Ideas Portal
Status Duplicate idea
Categories Other
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 1, 2022

Upload images to all returns

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Current Problem

Whether through the app or through the desktop client, all users should be able to upload and view images for a return order ID.

When creating a return - there should be an option to upload images with faults (If applicable) in reference to a return ID. This works for anyone who uses a warranty feature and uses returns for the Warranty element.

Idea to resolve Problem Include photo/image uploads on desktop client for each return ID.
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  • Admin
    Jordan Rowe
    Mar 19, 2024

    If we promote the idea to be worked, we would look to add the feature in both places. Which is the reason for marking this as a duplicate.

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Mar 19, 2024

    Hi Jordan, I believe that this is actually a different request.
    MST-I-130 references 'external returns' - However this request references to returns that can be done using Mintsoft order numbers. Two different features.

  • Admin
    Jordan Rowe
    Mar 19, 2024

    Hi, Thank you for your suggestion. This appears to be a duplicate of MST-I-130

  • Guest
    May 10, 2023

    We are also desperate for this function, so please ensure this function gets incorporated as soon as possible.