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MintSoft Ideas Portal
Status Not under consideration
Categories Shipping Managment
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 17, 2022

Bulk delete courier service prices

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Current Problem

I have to go through 50 pages of prices to delete them for just one courier service.

Idea to resolve Problem Be able to bulk delete courier service prices, not just bulk update.
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  • Guest
    Nov 16, 2022

    I mentioned this during our onboarding - I was told support have a super user button that allows them to delete.

  • Guest
    Jul 4, 2022

    Add selection boxes and delete all button to All CourierService Prices in Shipping extras would be great. Can't be a difficult option to add and would help clean up the database. Everytime I have to do price updated I have to export the prices for all customer do a comparison with a client export for active clients and filter way too much data.